The Elizabeth Fry Society
Category: Supportive Housing | Author(s): Chantel Dobell & Wisdom Nneji

Image Credit: The Elizabeth Fry Society Facebook Page –
Location Address: 235 1 Ave #702, Kamloops, BC V2C 3J4, Canada
The Elizabeth Fry Society is a non-profit organization that aims to provide Kamloops people who identify as female or gender diverse with various resources that may help them maintain or obtain safe and reliable living accommodations. The 2021 – 2022 annual report shared that “…over 300 inquiries regarding housing and mental health support services…” (Elizbeth Fry Society, 2022), were made within the allotted year. Out of those 300 inquiries, a total of 65 individuals were served.
One of the many ways the Elizabeth Fry Society strives toward success includes the work of the Women’s Housing Services (WHS) within the Elizabeth Fry organization. The services provided include affordable and subsidized housing options through three buildings which vary in capacity reaching a total of 97 units, 16 of which are single-bedroom apartments. Another option is ‘The Rent Bank,’ a homelessness prevention tool that helps families maintain or acquire adequate housing through zero-interest loans, which are repayable over a three-year period. As well as the Family Stepping Stones, which is a program within the Elizabeth Fry Society that helps women and children find safe second-stage housing that meets their individual needs with the goal of keeping families together. Outside these housing initiatives, the Elizabeth Fry Society provides community justice and legal services to low-income Kamloops residents. In addition, the Elizabeth Fry society runs the Youth: Sky Program, which focuses on obtaining housing for youth struggling through legal custody battles through local care homes.
After discussing the issue with Elizabeth Fry staff member Aidan Sheppard, it becomes clear that the number of units/beds available to house women and their children is a struggle that staff continuously face. The effects of this imbalance show pre-covid when discussed with an anonymous individual who sought out the Elizabeth Fry Society in 2018 with hopes of removing themself from unsafe living conditions. They were unsuccessful in their attempts because there were no immediate relocation options. Though the Elizabeth Fry team wanted to help, they did not have the resources available. However, this issue of unavailable space became more apparent when the Elizabeth Fry Society (2021) reported, due to COVID-19, there became a higher demand for supportive housing for women experiencing violence. Forcing Elizabeth Fry to rapidly adapt by creating two more women’s second-stage housing units. In addition, the number of women and children fleeing domestic violence rose during this time, making the demand for more affordable and supportive housing grow. As stated previously in the Elizabeth Fry 2021 – 2022 annual report, there were a reported 300 individuals seeking access to housing and mental health support. A large number when compared to the current three buildings totalling 97 units, a number that does not coincide with the total number of individuals seeking Elizabeth Fry’s services, creating a crisis in terms of available housing.
Video Credit: Created by Chantel Dobell & Wisdom Nneji
Community Implications
In 2021 the City of Kamloops released a Point-In-Time count report, which supplies the public with information regarding the homeless population in Kamloops. It was reported that 22% of the homeless in the Kamloops area were women (City of Kamloops, 2021). A significant drop in numbers compared to the 2018 report that placed homeless women at 27% of the population (City of Kamloops, 2018). This decrease in homeless women correlates with the increased use that the Elizabeth Fry Society has experienced regarding the resources the organization provides. Housing is a right that every person should have an equal chance and access to acquire.
Organizations like the Elizabeth Fry Society provide not only housing accommodation but also opportunities for women and their families, like bettering their overall financial living standards and helping women over 18 find an opportunity at affordable post-secondary education. This is important because some women fleeing domestic violence are turned down due to a lack of resources. These women could be anyone’s family, friends, sister, or daughter. Moreover, having inadequate access to affordable housing and accommodation, in general, could lead to homelessness, exacerbating substance abuse and other mental health issues.
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A Way Forward
We recognize that no one suggestion will solve the housing crisis in Kamloops, but based on our research, here are some ideas that may help move us even slightly forward.
A positive way forward is to spread awareness regarding the work the Elizabeth Fry Society does to tackle the homeless crisis in Kamloops. It is important to end the negative stigma surrounding those who seek assistance escaping abuse and domestic violence. We must be kind and willing to support people in these situations. By doing so, the Elizabeth Fry Society is able to create new locations to house women. An example of their success is a new townhouse which is in development, set to open in spring 2023 with 14 new units. We must encourage community involvement and donations so the Elizabeth Fry Society can continue to grow positively.